One of the extremely recognizable features of Russian warships, is the dense black smoke emitted from these warships as they move.

According to military experts, the cause of a lot of black smoke is due to engine technology and the type of fuel that Russian warships are using.

The release of black smoke makes it easy for Russian Navy warships to be exposed, with the most classical means of reconnaissance. Even Russian Navy submarines are capable of emitting black smoke.

Russian dense black smoke
Russian dense black smoke

Bystryy is a Sovremennyy-class destroyer of the Russian Navy. This destroyer uses 2 shaft steam turbines, 4 boilers, for a maximum capacity of 100,000 horsepower. The Admiral Ushakov destroyer is also of the Sovremennyy class and is also smoggy. These class destroyers were completed by Russia and the Soviet Union between 1988 and 1994.

During its voyages through international waters in the past, Russian warships always confuse public opinion, emitting too much black smoke. In fact, this is really dirty smoke, emitted by Russian warships due to the burning of fuel. The fuel that the Russian warships are using is mazut oil, which emits a lot of dirty gas when burned.

This is the thick black smoke of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov during its voyage to the Mediterranean, in 2016. This smoke is even clearly visible from the space station. Western media also humorously said that Russian warships should be banned from operating to protect the environment.

The discharge of black smoke from Russian warships sometimes affects public transport. The Russian Navy currently owns 360 warships of all kinds, including surface ships and submarines. In reality, however, a large number of Russian warships are in maintenance or in stockpile.


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